Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Weezer (nearly everything after Pinkerton)

Before I begin, I must add that this is not a complete boycott. There is nothing Weezer could do in the future to make me disapprove of the Blue Album and Pinkerton, and they still manage to put out a good song once in awhile. Still, their past glory makes their current struggles that much harder to handle.

I'll say it. Weezer's new album is shit. Weezer's last album was shit. And the album before that. Hell, before that, the green album clocked in at a brisk 28 minutes long, so do we really count that solo-less disaster? (I can handle a short album if it's good, like Pinkerton.) I don't even know why I got my hopes up. Weezer must be trying hard to usurp George Lucas for the title of "Things I look back fondly upon, yet disgust me today."

There are exactly three songs from the last four albums that I would listen to: Island in the Sun, Perfect Situation, and Pork and Beans (even though the lyrics are terrible.) Not exactly a ringing endorsement of a band that formerly dominated garage/indie rock. I just don't get it. Why simplify every song and start sucking? Is it that hard to write good music these days?

I have a theory, and it goes like this--Weezer releases the blue album, and it goes 3x platinum. Two years later, Pinkerton comes out, and only goes gold. Rivers Cuomo is upset by the critical backlash/lack of fan support for this album, which is much more personal in nature. Basically, he gets all kinds of pissed off like a little girl. After a break, Weezer returns, with a tight, radio-friendly sound and simple songs. Green album goes platinum. Rivers has his revenge, by basically saying "If you didn't like the good music I made, I'm going to force crap down your throat and you'll like it just because Weezer makes it. It's all you're getting."

Gee, thanks Rivers. You know you're sucking when "Beverly Hills" is the lead single for an album. Weezer has ruined their good name. I'll never forget the old stuff, but from now on, NO NEW WEEZER!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

What's up? Are you not boycotting anything any more?